lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

Halloween arrives in the U.K.

These last weeks all people around United Kingdom are preparing for the most frightening night of the year - Halloween.
People are buying all the sweets for the dressed-up children that do trick or treating that night and they are decorating all the scary things to put in their houses.

The neighbours of the most important residential street are organising the biggest party in their neighbourhood. They are inviting all people to come to the pavilion of the main street. There will have a lot of different activities like carving horror pumpkins, doing scary make-up and so on.

They are going to celebrate it on the 31st of October, the night of Halloween and the children are very excited for it to come. The children are making their own costumes while their parents are preparing all the necessary things for the night.

This year, the children in the neighbourhood decided to wear all the same - the skeleton costume. They will make up their faces like a skull and with silk and pieces of unused clothes they will make the body of the skeleton.

Children on the night of Halloween go to the different houses in their neighbourhood. When their are in front of the door of the house they ring and wait for someone to open the door. When the door opens children says ´trick or treat´, if the person likes their costume says ´treat´ and gives the children some sweets but if the person says trick the children can make some pranks at their house like throwing eggs or toilet paper at the door.

We think that celebrating Halloween in London would be awesome and very interesting to see. Everybody enjoys this party from children to parents and grandparents. In the party there is a very festive atmosphere and it is very funny and scary!

Aroa and Mellanie

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