martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Saint George's Day

The 23rd of April is an important day in Catalonia. It is Saint George’s Day. This day is special because it has a special legend.
The legend is about a dragon that was scaring a kingdom and attacking its people every day. To calm the dragon, the king of the kingdom decided to make a random sacrifice to feed the dragon. One day, the daughter of the king was selected to be eaten by the dragon. When the dragon was ready to eat the princess, a knight called George appeared and killed the dragon. From the dragon’s blood it appeared a rose and George gave it to the princess.
Nowadays, on this day boys give roses to girls, and girls give a book to boys. In the centre of our village there are stalls full of roses and books and people of the village or other people go there to buy roses and books.
And in our high school students from all courses buy roses to help students of 1st Batxillerat pay the end of year trip.

Written by Gloria and Pau

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