martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Richie’s Expedition

Once upon a time there was an alien named Richie who travelled to the Earth to keep his species from disappearing. He had the power of transforming into anything he wanted to.
On the Earth, Richie met a girl named Mary who at first was afraid of him but they ended up having a baby. Later, the police became aware of Richie and started looking for him as they thought he wanted to kill everyone in the planet.
Soon, Richie and Mary’s baby died and the police thought that Richie had killed him. After that, the police realised that he could transform into anything and that made it more difficult to recognise him.
Years passed by and Richie was living happily with Mary until the police located him and chased him. They went to their house and killed Mary by accident thinking Richie had transformed into her to escape.
After all, Richie realised he hadn’t achieved his aim so he returned to his planet.

By Marta & Raquel

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