jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017


Bullying is the physical or psychological damage that a person receives from others.

Bullying is very common in primary schools and sometimes in secondary schools. There are 4 types of bullying, physical, verbal, psychological and social.The physical one is normally when the students hit, push, kick, or attack other students using objects.  It happens more frequently in primary than in secondary school.

Another type of bullying is the verbal one, which consists in insults and nicknames, highlighting physical defects, etc. It is the most common one. The psychological one is the way these students manipulate their partners’ self-esteem and increase their sense of insecurity. The last type is the social bullying. It consists in moving away the victims from their classmates and friends trying to leave them alone.

We think that bullying shouldn’t exist and it’s terrible because school is a period of time to have fun and not to do this kind of things.

Ona and Andrea

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