miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018


We could say that one of the best inventions in history is television, especially for children and adults.
Television is an invention for everyone to be distracted or informed about something. Over time, television has more utilities such as video games or a hard drive to watch movies. Television can be very positive for many things but it also has its negative parts.
It is common for many parents, to have a moment to breathe, while their children are in front of the small screen. You have to be careful when doing this, because a study in which was published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, and in which the Sainte Justine University of Quebec and the University of Michigan participated, demonstrated that children of 3 and 4 years old that had spent more hours in front of the television had more problems in school and had adopted more harmful habits at the age of 10 years. Many children lose their childhood to a screen and that is very negative.
Teenagers on the other hand are the ones who least watch TV because they are more with the mobile phone.


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